Human Body

Human Body

Monday, February 27, 2017

Create the Results

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2) Create the results. (State the result)

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  1. i think my results will be that the mixture with a higher concentration will have a higher data than the one with a lower concentration of alchol.

  2. I think the results would be a working motor that would actually power something. It could power a fridge or something smaller. Maria and Samantha
    @Ms.dillianna and Ms. Pretiva

    1. it depend how strong the motor is

    2. I think this would work cause is sound good and right. This is good info.

    3. These results are good cause its true you can montor something like a small fridge

  3. I am assuming that since there is corn starch in oobleck then it will probably have some irreversible chemical reaction. Like when you bake a cake. It'll probably fluff due to the heat (sounded a lot smarter in my head) meaning instead of becoming smoother it will harden and crack. Also I searched it up. There are some pretty stupid ppl out there

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Carlos@ I think the results are probably going to be a fail or a success because I don't know if this is gonna work out. Also this is probably gonna b hard or easy to do.


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