Human Body

Human Body

Monday, May 1, 2017

Message from Ms. Dillieanna

Hello everyone,

I am assuming David Thane told everyone to go on the blog. I will like to start off by saying that you all are amazing, hardworking and determined bunch of NERDS. This may not be news to some of you but I will not be returning to the after school program. My final comments to you all are not organized based on favorites.

Samantha- You are an amazing addition to the Life-Science group. I appreciate your determination to succeed academically and your desire to be an amazing friend to your peers. You are so smart and I know you are capable of being anything you want to be in the future.

Daniel Trocar- You are the class clown in Life-Science and the group entertainer. When you came into Life-Science you struggled to understand the concepts. You sometimes gave up and acted like you knew what you were doing. My advice to you is to continue pushing through and do not give up. Also, don't stop being silly!

David Thane- The first thing comes to mind is the many times I took away your phone! After that the many times you rolled your eyes at me. David you SO smart! You pay attention every time I teach something in Life-Science and you are always able to answer the obvious and tricky questions that I may ask. David please continue to put in a lot of effort in school and I promise you it will pay off.

Maria- You are very silly! I appreciate you paying attention in Life-Science and being able to answer the obvious and tricky questions. You are very intelligent. Continue to determine to succeed in your education. Side note: Please stop stealing Daniel Trocar's book bag.

Fatima- We all know that you are very intelligent. I know you probably lost your password to your email and some of the students will show you my message. My advice to you is to have an open mind to things in life. Also, House is not a bad television show after all.

Luis Plaza- Dr. Plaza I hope your studying the Neuroanatomy homework I gave you. Please continue to push through you education and do not give up. The journey you plan to take is going to be very long but do not strife! If you ever need advice about medical school please do not hesitate to write me.

Alanys- I appreciate our long discussions about criminals and philosophy. Always think outside the box and do not change anything about your AMAZING self. The most powerful thing anyone has is their voice! Continue speaking up for yourself.

Carlos- The first thing that comes to mind is your honesty. Carlos that is not a bad quality! You are also another person that struggled the most in Life-Science but you did not give up. Please keep your head high and continue working for the things you want in life.

P.S. Anyone I may have missed, I am very sorry. I value having the opportunity to work with students that came to program everyday to learn and never became discouraged with the workload. Please, every one feel free to write me via blog or email to keep me updated with your life or school. Finally, I will miss you all so very much.💚

Monday, April 3, 2017

Messages to Ms. Pretiva

Life-Science's participants can keep in touch with Ms. Pretiva.
Please feel free to leave a comment for her and she will reply when available.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Create the Conclusion

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1)Respond to the previous post

2) Create the conclusion. (paragraph use to analyze results and procedure)

3) Respond to another person's post. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

Create the Results

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1)Respond to the previous post

2) Create the results. (State the result)

3) Respond to another person's post. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Create the Procedure

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1)Respond to the previous post

2) Create the procedure.

3) Respond to another person's post. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Create List of Materials

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1)Respond to the previous post

2) Create a list of materials.

3) Respond to another person's post 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Business Planning

Create your own business plan...

1) What is your big business idea?

2) Who will be your customers?

3) How will you promote?

4) What is the start up cost, price and profit?

5) Respond to another 
person's post.

Monday, February 6, 2017

Create the Hypothesis

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1)Respond to the previous post

2) Create the hypothesis. (Should be in If, Then statement)

3) Respond to another person's post. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Amino Acid Pictures!!!!

Life-Science- Ms. Dillieanna
Carlos Sanchez, Ms. Pretiva, Fatima Gueye, Daniel Tovar, David Thane, Juan Obsipo, Maria   Rodriguez and Samantha Valle-Colin (Right to Left)

    Amino Acid


Monday, January 23, 2017

Create the Purpose

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1)Respond to the previous post

2)Upload the URL of the project.

3) Create the purpose. (Should end with question mark(?))

Monday, January 16, 2017

Create the Title

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1) Explore the “Blogger”

2)Respond to the previous post

3) Select a
topic- Create the title

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Welcome Trimester 2!!!!

Welcome to Life-Science Trimester 2

Daniel Tovar
Maria Rodriguez
David Thane 
Fatima Gueye 
Alanys Ayala
Samantha Valle-Collin
Christopher Wilder
Mohamed Danago
Juan Obispo
Sekou Niang
Carlos Sanchez
Luis Plaza

Monday, November 28, 2016


Life Science Proposal

1) Can not vote for your own team
2) One vote per each group 

Vote for: 

Samantha & Maria: Making Liquid Milk to Solid Milk
David, Daniel & Carlos: Walking Water
Fatima & Alanys: Rainbow in a Jar

Project Day8

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1) Response to the previous post

2) Combine the title, purpose, hypothesis, materials and procedure onto a Powerpoint file.
* We will vote on the best experiment for next week! 

Project Day 7

Type the following information onto the "Blogger"

1) Response to the previous post

2)What is the procedure of the experiment

3) Response to another group project 

Human Brain

Human Brain

Life-Science Team

Life-Science Team